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Meaning of electrovalent or ionic bond


MEANING: An Electrovalent bond is a type of bond that is characterized by the transfer of electrons from metallic atoms to non metallic atom during a chemical reaction. it uses a donor and acceptor principle.
 The metallic atom after donating their valence electrons, they become positively charged while the non metallic atoms become negatively charged after receiving extra electron com during their combination.
Both ions now possesses a stable outer  duplet or octect structure of noble gases and are held together by strong electrostatic force of attraction which make up the ionic or electrovalent bond.
The positive charged ions do not pair up to form molecules because they exact their force of attraction equally in  all direction.

For a neutral sodium atom to form (Na+) to form form a uni positive sodium atom, then each of the sodium atom must give out or loose, or donate one of it electron.
Conversely for a neutral chlorine atom to also form a uni negative chloride ion (Cl-), the chlorine atom must gain or accept one electron.

Sodium chloride is a salt form when sodium combines or goes into reaction with chlorine atom .sodium chloride crystallize as a face center cube. in an end face of the cube,a sodium ion occupies the center then the four corners of the face are also occupied by (Na+) with four chloride ion (Cl-) spaced up between them. During an analysis of the structure by X-ray diffraction reveals that these crystals are strong  structures because of the strong bond or electrostatic force of attraction between the positive and the negative ions.
The only ionic motion is vibration, hence the solid crystal salt appears rigid  and has negligible electrical conductivity. in other words it is a good conductor of electricity.

in this I mean examples of elements that goes into electrovalent or ionic combination or reaction are;
1.Sodium chloride(NaCl)
2.Calcium chloride (CaCl2)
3.Calcium Oxide (CaO2)
4.Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2)
5.Magnesium Oxide (MgO2)


The number of protons is not affected by the transfer of electrons that occurs in an electrovalent combination. So therefore the property of the element is unchanged by the chemical combination since it is determined by the number of protons and not electrons.
For example the Sodium atom which donates an electron to chlorine in order to attain the normal octect configuration Of neon still contains 11 proton whereas Neon has 10 proton in it atomic nucleus.


1.Ionic compounds are solid at room temperature.
2.They do not contain molecules but rather they contains aggregates of positive and negative ions arranged in a definite pattern.
3.They have high melting and boiling point because of their strong electrovalent bond.
4.They readily dissolves in water and other polar solvents.
5.They are good conductors of electricity
6.They do not dissolves in non polar solvents like toluene, benzene, ether , trichloromethane etc.


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